Thursday, May 29, 2014

Microsoft Student Association


I,from being a common user to a developer, a photographer, a movie maker, technologist, gamer, trader; one thing never left my side - Microsoft. From my first laptop computer powered by Microsoft Windows XP operating system to the current one I'm using, the one having the latest Windows 8.1in it, Microsoft was always there all the time. I could just swiftly work with documents using its office tools or its capability to keep me entertained while playing on-the-go music via the Windows Media player or just its simple but very very helpful Sticky Notes feature; how could one imagine life without it. It completely took multi- tasking at a new level and its user friendly interface have always been a sight of appreciation. Microsoft has been kept life tension-free by powering security systems at homes. Systems from the ATM machines to any data transferring in your near surroundings would definitely pass through one of the Microsoft systems developed worldwide. Now Microsoft is on my phone too. With the release of Windows Phone 8.1, the way I use phones has been completely revolutionized. My blog Aavtuj6 is again a mirror of Microsoft tiled display and now as an MSA, I would be happy to work with one who is always AROUND ME.


People are sick  from those frenzied morning work drop-off? Longing too much of time spent in commute traffic pick ups and downs. Well science is already working on something called teleportation which could take you from a point A to other point B within a fraction of time. Now, this technology works somewhat like this. It priorly converts particle 'A' (which could b anything ie. Light,or maybe an object ) particle which has to be teleported to a light wave/In a digital form and then it transfers this digitally over a network using any interlinking medium. Now, when it reaches the other point i.e. the point 'B'  then this teleported particles are once again reconverted to the original state and that's how it completes the process.
Now when it comes to reality of this project up till now researches are able to teleport a light wave or a photon to the distance of 1 meter. In consideration with the Heisenberg uncertain principal and taking entanglement as an alternative to it, we could take teleportation to new heights.
Our objective at Microsoft student association will be to work on Teleportation and make available A TELEPORTER on each table next to the desktop or laptop computer.
When it comes to this level of technology there could be hazardous threats of the data that have been converted into digital form to distort or a spying agency or a malware or a virus threat that would harm this media which could be highly contagious. Therefore developing such a technology that would secure this content is very essential. All the current Protocols such as VPN and SSL Encryption could be inefficient to protect those datas. So it arouses a need to develop an new security service that is much more efficient then the current security system.
Moreover, the concept of self-healing Operating system, an operating system with Self Integrated Anti-Virus System that protects by itself so that the user doesn't have to worry about it. Plus, operating system that provides artificial Intelligence (Eg. Cortana In Windows phone 8.1) but in far more hybridness then it. Connecting with your mailbox, social media, Payment Gateway etc to be done just by commanding it via speech or gestures. Unlike current version, It could be voice activated. This newer version of AI would work with Third party apps too. Then we shall command our windows desktop to make a call. As our desktop doesn't have the voice call feature it would connect it via a cellphone where we can make a call, receive it, send a text or even enjoy some instant messaging service support similarly. All this in much more safe and secure environment. New generation of operating system would have an Inbuilt Security feature which will replace the role of use of VPN so that everyone can connect to the open networks securely and hasslessly.


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